Bell Schedule 2024-25
7:25 – 2:30 pm. Certificated Staff Hours
7:35 am. First Bell - 1st through 5th grade students may enter through any open gate.
Teachers meet their students at their designated location on the school field.
UTK-K & Special Ed students meet teachers at the kindergarten entrance gate.
7:40 am. Teachers walk back to classrooms with students. Gates are closed and all students must
enter through the main gate in front of the school.
7:45 am. Tardy Bell
2:05 pm. Dismissal (M, T, Th, F) 12:10 pm. Dismissal (W)
Breakfast in the Classroom
UTK 7:40-8:00 am. In Classrooms
Kindergarten 7:40-8:00 am. Auditorium
1st-5th Grade 7:40-8:00 am. In Classrooms/lunch tables
Walking Club
UTK-5th Grade 7:30-7:40 am. School Field
Recess 9:00-9:15 am. UTK - 2nd
9:15-9:30 am. 3rd - 5th
Lunch (M, T, Th, F)
ECSE 10:00-10:35 am. Eat in Classrooms
UTK 10:00-10:35 am Lunch 10:00-10:20 am.
Play 10:20-10:35 am.
Kinder/1st 10:25-11:00 am. Lunch 10:25-10:45 am.
Play 10:45-11:00 am.
2nd/3rd Grade 10:50-11:25 am. Lunch 10:50-11:10 am.
Play 11:10-11:25 am.
4th/5th Grade 11:15-11:50 am. Lunch 11:15-11:35 am.
Play 11:35-11:50 am.
Lunch (Wednesdays)
UTK -1st Grade 11:00-11:20 am. Rainy Day Schedule
2nd – 3rd Grade 11:25 - 11:45 am. ECSE 10:00-10:35 am.
4th – 5th Grade 11:50 - 12:10 pm. UTK - 1st 10:00-10:35 am.
2nd - 3rd 10:40-11:10 pm.
4th - 5th 11:15-11:50 am.